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History 历史

Kutai, or Dayak Kutai, is a historic region in East Kalimantan in Indonesia on Borneo and also name of Dayak people on the region with a language of the same name and their historic. Today the name is preserved in the names of three regencies in East Kalimantan, the Kutai Kartanegara Regency, the West Kutai Regency and the East Kutai Regency. The major river of the region was and is the Mahakam River. Kutai Martadipura is a 4th century Indianized kingdom located in the Kutai area, East Kalimantan.


It is one of the earliest ancient kingdom in Indonesian history. Seven Stone Pillars, or Yupa (“Sacrificial Posts”) which have been found in Kutai, Muara Kaman Estuary, near the Mahakam River.


The plinths bear an inscription in the Pallava script of India reading "A gift to the Brahmin Priests". The style of the script has been dated to the last half the 4th century  It is believed these religions were brought to Indonesia around the 2nd and 4th centuries, respectively, when Indian traders arrived on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi.


The history of the kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman originated from the government of the state Sagara Pravatam Sadiva Malaya in the 1st century lead by The Tahani or King of Power Region and during the reign of Maharaj Sri Kudungga Kingdom became a state by the name of the kingdom of Kutai Martapura so that in 1635 until the year 2001 state power in the Grasp Colonial until Sovereignty returns with the name of the kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman and recorded 50 kings of religion until now.

库台,或Dayak Kutai,是印度尼西亚东加里曼丹省婆罗洲的一个历史悠久的地区,也是该地区Dayak人的名字,具有同名和历史的语言。今天,这个名字保存在东加里曼丹省的三个地区,Kutai Kartanegara Regency,West Kutai Regency和East Kutai Regency。该地区的主要河流是Mahakam河。 Kutai Martadipura是一个4世纪的印度化王国,位于东加里曼丹省的Kutai地区。


它是印度尼西亚历史上最早的古代王国之一。在Mahakam河附近的Muara Kaman河口Kutai发现的七石柱或Yupa(“牺牲岗位”)。 这些基座在印度的Pallava剧本中刻有“给婆罗门祭司的礼物”的铭文。剧本的风格可以追溯到公元4世纪后半期。据信印度商人抵达苏门答腊岛,爪哇岛和苏拉威西岛时,这些宗教分别于2世纪和4世纪被带到了印度尼西亚。


库台穆拉瓦尔曼王朝的历史起源于1世纪由Tahani或权力国王领导的Sagara Pravatam Sadiva Malaya政府,在Maharaj Sri Kudungga统治时期成为一个以王国为名的国家Kutai Martapura在1635年直到2001年国家权力在Grasp Colonial直到主权以库台穆拉瓦尔曼王朝的名义返回并且记录了50个国王的宗教直到现在。

King of Kutai Mulawarman's Kingdom 


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King of Kutai Mulawarman's Kingdom


Duli Yang Maha Mulia 

Sripaduka Baginda Berdaulat Agung Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman

Prof. Dr.Hc. Maharaja Srinala Pradita Alpiansyahrechza

Fachlevie Wangsawarman. Ph.D.

Yang Dipertuan Agung D’Raja Nusantara.

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